An Overview

The National Federation of Fishers Cooperatives Ltd. (FISHCOPFED) is a national level federation of fisheries cooperatives and the apex institution of Indian Fisheries Cooperative Movement. Its motto is to promote and develop the fishery cooperative movement in India, to educate, guide and assist fishers in their efforts to build up and expand the fishery cooperative sector and serve as an exponent of cooperative opinion in accordance with cooperative principles. It was established in 1980 as All India Federation of Fishermen Cooperatives and was rechristened as National Federation of Fishermen’s Cooperatives Ltd. in 1982.

Progress of FISHCOPFED since last five years:

Since last five years FISHCOPFED was turned around and the profit is on the rise thereafter losses in the proceeding five years. Before the year 2008-09 FISHCOPFED was running in downwards. Now all the liabilities of the federation, which was more than Rs. 50.00 lakh have been settled in a record time by the management through good governance. A graphic view of profit of FISHCOPFED is as under:
A graph of progress/profit of FISHCOPFED since last five years
Besides that FISHCOPFED organizes its Board meetings and Annual General Boady meetings regularly as per the provisions of the Multi State Cooperative Societies Act 2002.

Welfare of Fishers through Insurance:
Under the Welfare Activities, FISHCOPFED implements the most acclaimed Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana(PMSBY) for active fishermen in collaboration with the concerned state and UT fishery department throughout the country. Over 30 lakh fishers are covered under the Scheme covering 23 States and Six UTs in the year 2019-20. 

International Relation:

FISHCOPFED is the member of the International Cooperative Fisheries Organization (ICFO) South Korea. Shri T. Prasad Rao Dora,President, FISHCOPFED is the Vice-Chairman of ICFO. It is a rare honour to the India’s Fisheries Cooperative Movement. ICFO is apex body of fisheries cooperative organizations at international level having 17 members in countries including Africa, Canada, Asia-Pacific and Europe. FISHCOPFED is also a member of Network for the development of Agricultural Cooperatives in Asia and pacific (NEDAC). Shri B. K. Mishra, MD, FISHCOPFED has also been elected as a member of the Executive of Committee of NEDAC..

Promotion of Aquaculture:

In order to demonstrate fish culture in inland waters, FISHCOPFED is having five water bodies in the state of Odisha. The motto to run the aforesaid projects as demonstration-cum production projects is to produce fish with adopting latest technology of aquaculture and market the same through the members of fisheries cooperatives. It has been observed that the out come of theses projects is beneficial for the members of fisheries cooperatives. 


Cold Chain:

Inland fish culture and interstate & local retail of fish and fish products  of National Institute of Fisheries Post Harvest Technology & Training are among the commercial or business activities of FISHCOPFED. Creating of a chain of Retail Fish Centres in controlled and hygienic conditions in the metropolitan cities as well as state capital of India has been the most cherished tasks. In order to provide remunerative price to fish farmers and quality fresh fish to consumers, FISHCOPFED has started a cold chain of its own with the assistance of the Union Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Department of Fisheries. In order to undertake fish trade that is procuring of fish right from the landing centre, FISHCOPFED is operating two trucks at its BBSR Regional office and one mobile van at its Hyderabad Unit office., pub-1073933221862286, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

40 Years Service to the Nation
An Overview
Board Members
Expression of Interest
Managing Director`s Profile
Officers of FISHCOPFED
President`s Profile
Publicity and Public Relations