The National Federation of Fishers Cooperatives Ltd. (FISHCOPFED) is a national level federation of fisheries cooperatives and the apex institution of Indian Fisheries Cooperative Movement. Its motto is to promote and develop the fishery cooperative movement in India, to educate, guide and assist fishers in their efforts to build up and expand the fishery cooperative sector and serve as an exponent of cooperative opinion in accordance with cooperative principles. It was established in 1980 as All India Federation of Fishermen Cooperatives and was rechristened as National Federation of Fishers Cooperatives Ltd. in 1982.
The National Federation of Fishers Cooperatives Ltd. (FISHCOPFED) is a national level federation of fisheries cooperatives and the apex institution of Indian Fisheries Cooperative Movement. Its motto is to promote and develop the fishery cooperative movement in India, to educate, guide and assist fishers in their efforts to build up and expand the fishery cooperative sector and serve as an exponent of cooperative opinion in accordance with cooperative principles. It was established in 1980 as All India Federation of Fishermen Cooperatives and was rechristened as National Federation of Fishers Cooperatives Ltd. in 1982.
The National Federation of Fishers Cooperatives Ltd. (FISHCOPFED) is a national level federation of fisheries cooperatives and the apex institution of Indian Fisheries Cooperative Movement. Its motto is to promote and develop the fishery cooperative movement in India, to educate, guide and assist fishers in their efforts to build up and expand the fishery cooperative sector and serve as an exponent of cooperative opinion in accordance with cooperative principles. It was established in 1980 as All India Federation of Fishermen Cooperatives and was rechristened as National Federation of Fishers Cooperatives Ltd. in 1982.
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40 Years Service to the Nation
An Overview
Board Members
Expression of Interest
Managing Director`s Profile
Officers of FISHCOPFED
President`s Profile
Publicity and Public Relations